Week of May 9-13Week of May 9-13

Highlights of our week:

Ms. Schaus, a medical engineer and Nathan’s Mother, visited our Classroom on Monday morning. She talked about the importance of planning, building and testing projects and then evaluating the project to see if it can be improved and then planning, building and testing the project again. The kindergarteners planned, built and tested a glider! She also brought medical devices on which she has worked and explained how they are used to improve people’s lives. We also worked to finish our How-To books this week so that they can be displayed on our bulletin board for the school to read. On Wednesday the FTO sponsored a special assembly featuring Jerry Decaire from Marvel. He taught the students the importance of knowing math/science to draw a superhero! He drew some characters in front of the children and gave away the originals in a name draw. This week we also visited crayfish in the 4th grade classroom and learned a little bit about them. This coming week we go to Bicycle Safety Town on Thursday morning. Remember to send your child with a bike helmet, close toed shoes – no sandals or party shoes and a sweatshirt or light jacket if the early morning temperature is chilly. 

Highlights of our week:

Ms. Schaus, a medical engineer and Nathan’s Mother, visited our Classroom on Monday morning. She talked about the importance of planning, building and testing projects and then evaluating the project to see if it can be improved and then planning, building and testing the project again. The kindergarteners planned, built and tested a glider! She also brought medical devices on which she has worked and explained how they are used to improve people’s lives. We also worked to finish our How-To books this week so that they can be displayed on our bulletin board for the school to read. On Wednesday the FTO sponsored a special assembly featuring Jerry Decaire from Marvel. He taught the students the importance of knowing math/science to draw a superhero! He drew some characters in front of the children and gave away the originals in a name draw. This week we also visited crayfish in the 4th grade classroom and learned a little bit about them. This coming week we go to Bicycle Safety Town on Thursday morning. Remember to send your child with a bike helmet, close toed shoes – no sandals or party shoes and a sweatshirt or light jacket if the early morning temperature is chilly. 

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