Back to Football FridayBack to Football Friday

The 4th graders had a great time celebrating back to Football Friday.  They worked hard on decorating the door and participating in the football drills.  Some of the favorite activities included kicking field goals, tackling the tackling dummy and running the noodle gauntlet.  They definitely enjoyed getting their 90 minutes of physical activity in!  IMG_0642 IMG_0643 IMG_0646 IMG_0648

The 4th graders had a great time celebrating back to Football Friday.  They worked hard on decorating the door and participating in the football drills.  Some of the favorite activities included kicking field goals, tackling the tackling dummy and running the noodle gauntlet.  They definitely enjoyed getting their 90 minutes of physical activity in!  IMG_0642 IMG_0643 IMG_0646 IMG_0648

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